We may think that our thoughts care about us but in reality is that true? Have you ever had a thought which in hindsight you realised was negative or harmful to your being? If so then you will be able to see that your thoughts do not always serve your best interest.
Your body however cannot lie. It can only respond. And it responds perfectly every time. If you believe a stressful thought then your body will react accordingly and you will begin to feel the sensations of stress in your body. If you believe a peaceful, liberating thought then your body will enter a state of calm and you will feel your natural state of joy.
So we are able to bring compassion into this world simply by questioning the stressful thoughts and seeing them to be false and understanding them to be harmful to us. The moment we do this and we replace the stressful thought with a peaceful thought we begin to feel much much better. We have made one person on this planet suffer less. We have been compassionate.
In fact, there is only one person that we can heal. And that is ourselves.
Once we start being kinder to ourselves then we cannot help but be kinder to others. And through that kindness we invite others to heal themselves. Compassion and kindness are catching. They are viral. And they always start with us.