Love is total immersion in the other, connection to oneness, to god, to universal consciousness - complete unity.... and yet paradoxically within this we still remain separate and can easily get caught in egoic thoughts. The danger lies then in being careless about which thoughts we believe, especially as we run the risk of thinking that we cannot be happy without our lover; that if they leave us we are doomed to a lifetime of yearning, regret, sadness and disconnection.
When we love mindfully, however, we allow ourselves to revel in all the pleasure of the other, to worship them on all levels and yet remain firm in the knowledge that we will be absolutely fine if the relationship ends. Sure there may initially be the odd twinge of pain if we see our lover with a new partner or we are reminded of them in some way. But when we love mindfully, we do not turn these short-lived physical sensations into a big negative drama that perpetuates our suffering.
This may seem absurd but it is totally achievable with a little mindful enquiry.