Before going on a journey to try to change your partner and to try to get rid of their fears it is worth stopping, taking a breath and noticing what 'needs' are arising in you:
What 'freedom' are you needing? And is that need really allowing you to be free in this moment? Do you 'need' to change your partner? Do you 'need' them to get rid of their fears? And what is your motivation behind all these needs?
The moment you enter into neediness you will feel a tightening in your body. You too have actually entered into fear. Because need and fear are two sides of the same coin.....
Once you have observed that you have gone into neediness and tightening then it may well be worth looking into it what it is you are craving and, by doing so, accepting your role in the need/fear dynamic that is arising in your relationship.
The reason this process is valuable is because we so often get caught up in trying to change our partners without recognising that our need is as strong as their fears! The ego-based behaviour we can so easily recognise in others is sometimes harder to spot in ourselves. The key to spotting when we have become attached to an outcome (become needy) is to be aware of the sensations in our body. Whenver we attach to an outcome or argue with the current situation a tension arises somewhere in our body. This is our body saying to us. "Hey you've gone into need mode. And it hurts me...."
Freedom comes from recognising that your need not only hurts you but can also be partially responsible for the fears in your partner. When you let go of the need, your body will relax and you will feel lighter and more peaceful. In addition, your partner may recognise this in you and begin to let go of some of their fears. It is a virtuous circle in action....