Is there an answer to this?
As I often say, it is much easier to change our thoughts about our situation than it is to change the situation itself. Is it the work itself that causes these feelings of 'missing out' or is it our thoughts about the work?
We may decide to change our job situation but in the meantime how can we find peace and happiness in our current work?
Firstly totally accept the situation that we are in now completely. As Eckhart Tolle describes in the video below, this is achieved by becoming present at work, taking conscious breaths and allowing ourselves to 'be' in the work. As he points out the more 'boring' the work the easier this is to do!
Secondly question the negative thoughts that we have about our work. 'I need a more fulfilling job', 'I cannot be happy doing this', I should be as fulfilled as my friends, peers etc.'. Using the STOP technique, it is relatively quick and easy to turn these into positive thoughts and actions. These actions may include looking for new work but will allow us to enjoy the process of looking for new work and also enjoy the job we have now until we find the new job.
The STOP technique also allows us to find more harmony with the people we work with, the environment that we work in and to find ways of dealing with the stresses of expectations placed upon us by others (and ourselves!) at work. It may be that we change our work or we may stay in the job for many more years. Either way it is possible to be happy, peaceful and content if we cultivate the correct mindset through self enquiry.
Using self-enquiry will lead us to accept the situation and then make the changes that we feel good about making. We become more positive and proactive rather than negative and frustrated. If you are struggling with your current work then it may be time to STOP and take a deep breath.
With love (on Valentines Day)
Mark Dunn